I have heard the news about the very lovely and famous J.K. Rowling releasing a new book. I am excited. However there is problem. This book is not going to be in the Potter world. Rowling has decided to write a different type of book which brings tears to my eyes. It feels like another release of the Harry Potter books. I know that she wrote the tales of beetle the bard. I guess she has moved on from children to adults. However I believe that every author like any other type of artist likes to experiment and try out new things. Wanting to be an author and artist my self I do understand how JK Rowling feels having to live with Harry Potter and the other characters for so many years. Any author would get tire of the same characters and venture out to try something else.
However I know one thing is fore sure though. J.K. Rowling is not going to retire. No artist ever truely retire. An artist whether if it is a writer or painter or musician will always create and invent news things. It never ends.
Now there has been no news on her book for adults. The book also remains anonymus. I also fear that Rowling might lose fans but also gain new ones. I believe that the Potter fans that grew up with the Harry Potter world have grown up now. So they might even try Rowling's new book.
Maybe Rowling added some adult content in her new story. Probably is a way of expressing her womanhood. I do dare say it because every author adds a little of them selves to the story ( I know I do and does George RR Martin writer of Game of Thrones.)
They say that Rowling might not do well writing for adults because children authors dont usually succeed writing for adults. Here is the contradiction about that theory. If you read the Harry Potter books it has a lot of adult themes in it. Also if you have read the hunger games it also has a lot of adult themes in it. It is aimed at children but adult read it too. I believe is going to be a book for adults because like I said earlier in the blog post, she added adult content (if you know what I mean).
Maybe some sexual scenes in the book or swearing. Young adult books are not allowed to have that such scenes. Kids are still going to pick up the book if their parents buy it (or use the five finger discount).
Whether if is really for adults or another childrens book I believe Rowling is going to knock it out of the park once again.